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Liquid whitener JHFZ-722

  • *Address pain points
    The whiteness of the paste is low and unstable, and the whiteness of the paper is difficult to meet the needs of customers.
  • *Product advantage
    · Easy to use, stable physical reaction index;  
    · Whitening and brightening effect is direct and obvious;
    · Whiteness can be adjusted at any time, no buffer waste.
  • *Action mechanism
    After absorbing the invisible ultraviolet light in the light, some visible blue light is produced, and the blue light and the yellow light on the paper are complementary light, forming the addition effect, offsetting some or all of the yellow light, and the naked eye looks more white and bright.
  • *applied range
    With a certain degree of whiteness, the paper that needs to be whitened can be used for whitening and brightening cotton fabrics.
  • *application effect
    Different amounts within a certain range can obtain different whiteness, brightness, bright degree of paper increased at the same time, good firmness, strong persistence.
  • *application flow chart
    Intermittently and quantitatively add to the circulating white water and sewage tank.722增白剂